Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Ep. 25: The Future of the Mall
Who better to share the story–and the future vision–of Mall of America than someone who has been connected from the first days of construction, John Ghermezian. As President of Mall of America, and a member of the family who owns and operates the Mall, Ghermezian brings keen insights and learnings about this successful operation.
Ghermezian shares how the Mall has changed over the years and which factors lead to its continued success. He first points to treating guests, team members and the building itself with kindness and respect. John also shares how continued investment in all those things are key. He details how the Mall was transformed over the past decade with a huge financial investment that completely reshaped the interior experience for guests and tenants alike.
Much of the conversation is centered around how Mall of America has been innovative in the past–including great examples such as a partnership with Amazon and Good Housekeeping to create GH Lab, a retail experiential activation with McKinsey and the creation of Community Commons. But he also shares the importance of continuing to form new partnerships, create new opportunities and invest in technology and innovation.
When asked the formula for success, Ghermezian quickly replies that for each problem or obstacle there is an opportunity. It’s having the ability to see the opportunity that leads to success.
Guests: John Ghermezian, President at Mall of America
Hosts: Jill Renslow, Daniel Jasper
Presented by the Bloomington Convention and Visitors Bureau the official destination marketing organization for the city of Bloomington, Minn.